“耶和华你的神在你中间大有能力;他必拯救你,他必因你欢喜快乐;他会在他的爱中安息,他会为你歌唱而喜乐。” KJV — 西番雅书 3:17
Memory Text: “The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.” KJV — Zephaniah 3:17
“为什么我们对主的良善保持沉默呢?为什么赞美和感恩这么少?上天会如何看待我们忘恩负义的沉默,就像脾气暴躁的孩子的阴沉一样!全天庭都关心我们的救恩。主神本身就是我们的帮助者。 “锡安的女儿啊,请歌唱;以色列啊,欢呼吧!耶路撒冷的女子啊,当一心欢喜快乐。” “耶和华你的神在你中间大有能力;他必拯救你,他必因你欢喜快乐;他会在他的爱中安息,他会为你歌唱而喜乐。”这就是主希望我们向世界作的见证。 RH 1900 年 5 月 22 日,第 12 段。 7
“Why do we keep so silent in regard to the goodness of the Lord? Why is there so little praise and thanksgiving? How heaven must look upon our ungrateful silence, so like the sullenness of peevish children! All heaven is interested in our salvation. The Lord God himself is our helper. “Sing, O daughter of Zion; shout, O Israel; be glad and rejoice with all the heart, O daughter of Jerusalem.” “The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.” This is the testimony the Lord desires us to bear to the world. RH May 22, 1900, par. 7
“这样的见证会对他人产生影响。当我们试图让人们改正错误时,我们必须向他们表明我们有更好的东西。如果我们在宗教经历中表现出更多的喜乐,就会给人留下更有利的印象。非信徒会看到我们信仰的一致性。如果我们按应有的方式赞美神的名,爱的火焰就会在许多人心中点燃。” RH 1900 年 5 月 22 日,第 12 段。 8
“Such a testimony will have an influence upon others. As we seek to turn men from their errors, we must show them that we have something better. If more joy were revealed in our religious experience, a much more favorable impression would be made. Unbelievers would see the consistency of our faith. If we praised God's name as we should, the flame of love would be kindled in many hearts.” RH May 22, 1900, par. 8
阅读路加福音 15:11-32。浪子的比喻揭示了神的什么怜悯和慈爱?它为那些像另一个儿子一样留在家里的人提供了什么警告?
Read Luke 15:11–32. What does the parable of the prodigal son reveal about God’s compassion and love? What warning does it provide for those who, like the other son, remained home?
故事是这样的:家里有两个儿子。大的选择留在家里,而小的则选择离开。 你知道不久之后发生的事情:小儿子在放荡的生活中浪费了他所有的财产。
The story is that there were two sons in the family. The older one chose to remain home, but the younger one chose to go away. And you know what happened shortly afterwards: The younger son wasted all his substance in riotous living.
I am sure that the father knew beforehand that his son was headed for hardship. He loved him and longed to spare the youth from shame, sorrow and hard trial that he was headed for. The very fact that on the boy’s return, the father met him while yet a long way off, and made a banquet for him, even after he had wasted his father’s substance and disgraced the family name, is evidence enough that the father loved the boy supremely. The boy was allowed to leave home only because nothing but experience of his own could ever demonstrate his folly, and prove the father’s love for him.
是什么让男孩不喜欢家? ——他的愿望是放纵地生活。在同样的情况下,没有哪个男孩或女孩会离家出走,除非是为了获得自由,过放纵的生活,随心所欲地做肉欲之心所渴望做的事。
What forced the boy to dislike home? – It was his desire to live riotously. No boy or girl under the same circumstances runs away from home except for the hope of gaining freedom and to practice riotous living, to do at will what the carnal heart longs to do.
He finally discovered that he had been playing the fool, and so he began to reason with himself about going back home, saying, “Just think how many servants are in my father’s house and they all have plenty. Why should I perish with hunger? But, what shall I say when I get there?” Having come to himself, he felt, of course, that he must say just the right thing, the thing that would commend him to Heaven as well as to earth.
如果那个男孩一开始就听从了父亲的劝告,他就不会受到羞辱。这是多么羞辱啊!这也是一个多么好的教训,不仅对年轻人来说,对老年人来说也是如此。是的,有成千上万的人,无论年轻还是年老,都学到了很好的教训,但他们常常付出巨大的代价,只是因为他们一直听魔鬼的“骗局”。为什么他们这么容易被他的诱惑冲昏了头脑? – 只是因为他诱人的诱饵吸引了人的自私和罪恶的本性。
Had that boy taken his father’s counsel in the first place, he would not have had to be humiliated. And what a humiliation! And what a lesson, too, not only for the young, but for the old also. Yes, there are thousands, young and old alike, who learn great lessons, but they often pay a tremendous price only because they are ever listening to the “humbug” of the Devil. Why are they so easily carried away with his allurements? – Only because his attractive bait appeals to man’s selfish and sinful nature.
浪子的羞辱等待着所有不听从年长者劝告的年轻人,以及所有不听从主劝告的年长者。这是上帝的法则之一,任何人都无法回避。 --{1TG1 7.3}
The prodigal’s humiliation awaits all the young who do not profit by the counsel of the older, and all the older who do not profit by the counsel of the Lord. This is one of the laws of God which no one has ever been able to dodge.
“神的爱仍然渴望那些选择与他分离的人,并且他发挥影响力把他带回天父的家。浪子在悲惨的境遇中“醒悟过来”。撒但对他所施加的欺骗权势被打破了。他看出自己的痛苦是自己愚蠢造成的,就说:“我父亲有多少雇工,粮食有余,而我却饿死了!我要起来,到我父亲那里去。”尽管他很痛苦,浪子却在坚信父亲的爱中找到了希望。正是这份爱把他拉向了家。因此,正是神爱的保证促使罪人归向神。 “神的良善引导你悔改。”罗马书 2:4。一条金链,神圣之爱的仁慈和同情,传递到每一个处于危险之中的灵魂。主宣告:“我以永远的爱爱你;因此我以慈爱吸引你。”耶利米书 31:3。颜色 202.1
“The love of God still yearns over the one who has chosen to separate from Him, and He sets in operation influences to bring him back to the Father's house. The prodigal son in his wretchedness “came to himself.” The deceptive power that Satan had exercised over him was broken. He saw that his suffering was the result of his own folly, and he said, “How many hired servants of my father's have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger! I will arise and go to my father.” Miserable as he was, the prodigal found hope in the conviction of his father's love. It was that love which was drawing him toward home. So it is the assurance of God's love that constrains the sinner to return to God. “The goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance.” Romans 2:4. A golden chain, the mercy and compassion of divine love, is passed around every imperiled soul. The Lord declares, “I have loved thee with an everlasting love; therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.” Jeremiah 31:3. COL 202.1
“儿子决定认罪。他会去见他的父亲,说:“我得罪了天,也得罪了你,我不再配称为你的儿子。”但他又补充说,‘让我成为你雇来的仆人之一。’”COL 202.2
“The son determines to confess his guilt. He will go to his father, saying, “I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, and am no more worthy to be called thy son.” But he adds, showing how stinted is his conception of his father's love, ‘Make me as one of thy hired servants.’” COL 202.2
“不要听从仇敌的建议,远离基督,直到你自己变得更好为止;直到你足够好来到神面前。如果你等到那时,你就永远不会来了。当撒旦指着你肮脏的衣服时,请重复耶稣的应许:“到我这里来的,我总不丢弃他。”约翰福音 6:37。告诉敌人耶稣基督的宝血洗净了所有的罪孽。把大卫的祷告当作你自己的祷告:“求你用牛膝草洁净我,我就洁净了;求你用牛膝草洁净我,我就洁净了;求你用牛膝草洁净我,我就干净了;洗净我,我就会比雪更白。”诗篇 51:7。颜色 205.2
“Do not listen to the enemy's suggestion to stay away from Christ until you have made yourself better; until you are good enough to come to God. If you wait until then, you will never come. When Satan points to your filthy garments, repeat the promise of Jesus, “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37. Tell the enemy that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sin. Make the prayer of David your own, “Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.” Psalm 51:7. COL 205.2
“起来,到你父亲那里去。他会在很远的地方遇见你。只要你悔改,哪怕向他迈出一步,他就会赶紧用无限慈爱的臂膀拥抱你。他的耳朵敞开,聆听悔罪灵魂的呼喊。在神被神认识之后,第一次从内心发出的触动。从来没有人提出祷告,无论多么犹豫不决;从来没有流一滴眼泪,无论多么秘密;从来没有怀有对上帝的真诚渴望,无论多么微弱,但上帝的灵会前去满足它。即使在发出祈祷或表达内心的渴望之前,来自基督的恩典就已经出来,迎接在人类灵魂上运行的恩典。”颜色 206.1
“Arise and go to your Father. He will meet you a great way off. If you take even one step toward Him in repentance, He will hasten to enfold you in His arms of infinite love. His ear is open to the cry of the contrite soul. The very first reaching out of the heart after God is known to Him. Never a prayer is offered, however faltering, never a tear is shed, however secret, never a sincere desire after God is cherished, however feeble, but the Spirit of God goes forth to meet it. Even before the prayer is uttered or the yearning of the heart made known, grace from Christ goes forth to meet the grace that is working upon the human soul.” COL 206.1
阅读西番雅书 3:17。这节经文如何阐明浪子的比喻?
Read Zephaniah 3:17. How does this verse shed light on the parable of the prodigal son?
“当基督的使者以简单的方式传播福音,而听众对所传达的话语作出回应时,没有什么比这些灵魂来到他面前承认他们的罪并表达他们的信仰更让无限之爱的心感到满足的了;他乐意将他的公义传给他们。当天使看到心灵敞开,接受光、宽恕和爱的交流时,他们会感到高兴。当感恩从人心中升起时,天上的众生就会唱起赞美之歌。先知西番雅代表基督因迷失灵魂得救而喜乐:‘耶和华你的神在你中间大有能力;他必拯救你,他必因你欢喜快乐;他会在他的爱中安息,他会因你而歌唱而喜乐。’”RH May 29, 1900, par. 10
“When Christ's ambassadors present the gospel in its simplicity, and the hearers respond to the word presented, nothing is more gratifying to the heart of Infinite Love than for these souls to come to him confessing their sins and giving expression to their faith; he delights to impart to them his righteousness. And angels rejoice when they see hearts opened to receive the communication of light and pardon and love. When thanksgiving arises from human hearts, heavenly beings take up the song of praise. The prophet Zephaniah represents the joy of Christ over the salvation of a lost soul: ‘The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.’” RH May 29, 1900, par. 10
“全天庭都关心我们的救恩。上帝的天使,成千上万,一万万,奉命为那些将成为救恩继承人的人服务。他们保护我们免受邪恶的侵害,并击退那些寻求毁灭我们的黑暗势力。 SW 1908 年 3 月 10 日,第 12 段。 8
“All heaven is interested in our salvation. The angels of God, thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand, are commissioned to minister to those who shall be heirs of salvation. They guard us against evil, and press back the powers of darkness that are seeking our destruction. SW March 10, 1908, par. 8
“主本人就是我们的帮助者。 “锡安的女儿啊,请歌唱;以色列啊,欢呼吧!耶路撒冷的女子啊,当一心欢喜快乐。”耶和华你的神在你中间大有能力;他必拯救你,他必因你欢喜快乐;他会在他的爱中安息,他会为你歌唱而喜乐。”西番雅书 3:14, 17。这是主希望我们向世界作的见证。对他的赞美应该不断地存在于我们的心中和我们的嘴唇上。” SW 1908 年 3 月 10 日,第 12 段。 9
“The Lord himself is our helper. “Sing, O daughter of Zion; shout, O Israel; be glad and rejoice with all the heart, O daughter of Jerusalem.” The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.” Zephaniah 3:14, 17. This is the testimony the Lord desires us to bear to the world. His praise should continually be in our hearts and upon our lips.” SW March 10, 1908, par. 9
阅读以弗所书 5:25-28。这对于我们也被呼召要表现出的爱有什么说明呢?
Read Ephesians 5:25–28. What does this say about the kind of love we are also called to display?
“基督向我们展现的精神,就是丈夫和妻子向彼此展现的精神。 “正如基督爱我们一样”,“凭爱心行事”。 “正如教会顺服基督一样,妻子们也要凡事顺服自己的丈夫。丈夫们,要爱你们的妻子,正如基督爱教会,并为教会舍己一样。”以弗所书 5:2,24,25。” MH 361.4
“The spirit that Christ manifests toward us is the spirit that husband and wife are to manifest toward each other. “As Christ also hath loved us,” “walk in love.” “As the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it.” Ephesians 5:2, 24, 25.” MH 361.4
阅读以赛亚书 43:4;诗篇 149:4;以及箴言 15:8, 9。关于上帝喜悦他的子民,它们告诉我们什么?
Read Isaiah 43:4; Psalm 149:4; and Proverbs 15:8, 9. What do they tell us about God taking delight in His people?
“关于基督与他子民的关系,以色列的律法中有一个美丽的例证。当一个希伯来人因贫穷而被迫放弃他的遗产并卖身为奴时,赎回他和他的遗产的责任就落在了最亲近的亲属身上。见利未记 25:25, 47-49;路得记 2:20。因此,救赎我们以及我们因罪而失去的继承权的工作就落在了我们“至亲”的那位身上。为了救赎我们,他成为我们的亲属。主我们的救主比父亲、母亲、兄弟、朋友或爱人更亲近。他说:“不要害怕,因为我救赎了你,我以你的名呼唤了你;你是我的。 “因为你在我眼中是宝贵的,你是尊贵的,我也爱你:所以我要赐人代替你,赐人代替你的生命。”以赛亚书 43:1, 4。” DA 327.3
“Of Christ's relation to His people, there is a beautiful illustration in the laws given to Israel. When through poverty a Hebrew had been forced to part with his patrimony, and to sell himself as a bondservant, the duty of redeeming him and his inheritance fell to the one who was nearest of kin. See Leviticus 25:25, 47-49; Ruth 2:20. So the work of redeeming us and our inheritance, lost through sin, fell upon Him who is “near of kin” unto us. It was to redeem us that He became our kinsman. Closer than father, mother, brother, friend, or lover is the Lord our Saviour. “Fear not,” He says, “for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art Mine.” “Since thou wast precious in My sight, thou hast been honorable, and I have loved thee: therefore will I give men for thee, and people for thy life.” Isaiah 43:1, 4.” DA 327.3
“基督爱围绕他宝座的天上的众生;但他爱我们的伟大之爱又该如何解释呢?我们无法理解它,但我们可以根据自己的经验知道它的真实性。如果我们确实与他保持亲属关系,我们应该以多么温柔的态度对待那些我们主的弟兄姐妹!我们难道不应该尽快认识到我们神圣关系的主张吗?我们被收养进入神的家后,难道不应该尊敬我们的天父和我们的亲族吗?” DA 327.4
“Christ loves the heavenly beings that surround His throne; but what shall account for the great love wherewith He has loved us? We cannot understand it, but we can know it true in our own experience. And if we do hold the relation of kinship to Him, with what tenderness should we regard those who are brethren and sisters of our Lord! Should we not be quick to recognize the claims of our divine relationship? Adopted into the family of God, should we not honor our Father and our kindred?” DA 327.4
“教会的斗士常常被要求去承受考验和苦难;因为如果没有激烈的冲突,教会就会取得胜利。 “患难中的粮”、“苦难中的水”(以赛亚书30:20),这些是所有人的共同命运;但凡相信那位大能拯救者的人都不会完全被压倒。 “雅各啊,创造你的耶和华如此说,以色列啊,创造你的耶和华如此说,不要惧怕;因为我救赎了你,我以你的名呼唤你,你是我的。当你涉水而过时,我将与你同在;你穿过江河,水也不会漫过你;你在火中行走,也不会被烧伤。火焰也不会在你身上点燃。因为我是耶和华你的神,以色列的圣者,你的救主:我将埃及赐给你作为赎价,将埃塞俄比亚和西巴赐给你。因为你在我眼中为宝贵,你为人尊贵,我又爱你,所以我要赐人代替你,赐人代替你的性命。”以赛亚书 43:1-4。” PK 723.1
“Often the church militant is called upon to suffer trial and affliction; for not without severe conflict is the church to triumph. “The bread of adversity,” “the water of affliction” (Isaiah 30:20), these are the common lot of all; but none who put their trust in the One mighty to deliver will be utterly overwhelmed. “Thus saith the Lord that created thee, O Jacob, and He that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name, thou art Mine. When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. For I am the Lord thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour: I gave Egypt for thy ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for thee. Since thou wast precious in My sight, thou hast been honorable, and I have loved thee: therefore will I give men for thee, and people for thy life.” Isaiah 43:1-4.” PK 723.1
阅读罗马书 8:1 和罗马书 5:8。关于我们在神面前的地位,这些经文教导了什么?
Read Romans 8:1 and Romans 5:8. What do these texts teach about our standing before God?
“虽然基督徒的生活以谦卑为特征,但它不应该以悲伤和自贬为标志。每个人都有权利过能够得到上帝嘉许和祝福的生活。天父的旨意并不是让我们永远处于定罪和黑暗之中。低着头、心里充满自我思想的人并没有表现出真正的谦卑。我们可以到耶稣那里去,得到洁净,站在律法面前,毫无羞愧和悔恨。 “如今,那些在基督耶稣里、不随从肉体、只随从圣灵的人,就不定罪了。”罗马书 8:1。” GC 477.2
“While the Christian's life will be characterized by humility, it should not be marked with sadness and self-depreciation. It is the privilege of everyone so to live that God will approve and bless him. It is not the will of our heavenly Father that we should be ever under condemnation and darkness. There is no evidence of true humility in going with the head bowed down and the heart filled with thoughts of self. We may go to Jesus and be cleansed, and stand before the law without shame and remorse. “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” Romans 8:1.” GC 477.2
“基督是天上的至尊者;然而却看到他代替人类而死。这是怎样的爱啊! ‘因为当我们还软弱无力的时候,基督就在所定的时候为不敬虔的人死了。因为义人几乎不会死;但说不定好人有的人连死都敢。但神向我们显明了他的爱,因为当我们还是罪人时,基督就为我们而死。’”ST 1890 年 11 月 24 日,第 12 段。 3
“Christ was the Majesty of heaven; and yet behold him dying in man's stead. What love is this! ‘For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.’” ST November 24, 1890, par. 3
阅读彼得前书 2:4-6,并将其与希伯来书 11:6 进行比较。这告诉我们怎样才能讨神喜悦?
Read 1 Peter 2:4–6 and compare it with Hebrews 11:6. What does this tell us about how we can be pleasing to God?
“犹太人和外邦人都可以在这块活石上建造。这是我们可以安全构建的唯一基础。它足够宽广,足以容纳所有人,也足够强大,足以承受整个世界的重量和负担。通过与活石基督的联系,所有在这个基础上建造的人都成为活石。许多人通过自己的努力得到了雕琢、打磨和美化。但他们不能成为“活石”,因为他们与基督没有联系。没有这种联系,任何人都无法得救。如果我们里面没有基督的生命,我们就无法抵挡试探的风暴。我们永远的安全取决于我们建造在坚固的根基上。今天,许多人正在未经测试的基础上进行建设。到了下雨、狂风肆虐、洪水泛滥的时候,他们的房子就会倒塌,因为根基不是建立在永远的磐石上,就是房角石基督耶稣上。” DA 599.4
“Upon this living stone, Jews and Gentiles alike may build. This is the only foundation upon which we may securely build. It is broad enough for all, and strong enough to sustain the weight and burden of the whole world. And by connection with Christ, the living stone, all who build upon this foundation become living stones. Many persons are by their own endeavors hewn, polished, and beautified; but they cannot become “living stones,” because they are not connected with Christ. Without this connection, no man can be saved. Without the life of Christ in us, we cannot withstand the storms of temptation. Our eternal safety depends upon our building upon the sure foundation. Multitudes are today building upon foundations that have not been tested. When the rain falls, and the tempest rages, and the floods come, their house will fall, because it is not founded upon the eternal Rock, the chief cornerstone Christ Jesus.” DA 599.4
“‘没有信仰就不可能取悦他;因为来到上帝面前的人必须相信上帝存在,并相信上帝会赏赐那些殷勤寻求上帝的人。 基督教世界中有许多人声称,得救所需要的只是有信心;而信仰则是拯救的必要条件。行为不算什么,信心才是唯一的要素。但神的话告诉我们,信心没有行为就是死的,是孤独的。许多人拒绝遵守上帝的诫命,但他们却表现出很大的信心。但信仰必须有基础。神的应许都是有条件的。如果我们遵行他的旨意,如果我们按真理行事,那么我们可以祈求我们所愿意的,它就必成就在我们身上。当我们热切地努力顺服时,神就会垂听我们的祈求;但他不会因为不服从而祝福我们。如果我们选择违背他的诫命,我们可能会呼喊:“信心,信心,只要有信心”,神肯定的话语就会做出回应:“没有行为的信心是死的。”这样的信心只会像铜锣响、钹响。为了得到上帝恩典的好处,我们必须尽自己的一份力量;我们必须忠心工作,结出与悔改相称的果子。” ST 1890 年 6 月 16 日,第 17 段。 1
“‘Without faith it is impossible to please him; for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.’ There are many in the Christian world who claim that all that is necessary to salvation is to have faith; works are nothing, faith is the only essential. But God's word tells us that faith without works is dead, being alone. Many refuse to obey God's commandments, yet they make a great deal of faith. But faith must have a foundation. God's promises are all made upon conditions. If we do his will, if we walk in truth, then we may ask what we will, and it shall be done unto us. While we earnestly endeavor to be obedient, God will hear our petitions; but he will not bless us in disobedience. If we choose to disobey his commandments, we may cry, “Faith, faith, only have faith,” and the response will come back from the sure word of God, “Faith without works is dead.” Such faith will only be as sounding brass and as a tinkling cymbal. In order to have the benefits of God's grace, we must do our part; we must faithfully work, and bring forth fruits meet for repentance.” ST June 16, 1890, par. 1
阅读马可福音 9:17-29。上帝如何回应故事中的人?多少信心才算足够的信心?
Read Mark 9:17–29. How does God respond to the man in the story? How much faith is enough faith?
“男孩被带来了,当救世主的目光落在他身上时,邪灵把他摔倒在地,痛苦地抽搐着。他躺在地上打滚,口吐白沫,怪异的尖叫声撕裂了空气。 DA 428.3
“The boy was brought, and as the Saviour's eyes fell upon him, the evil spirit cast him to the ground in convulsions of agony. He lay wallowing and foaming, rending the air with unearthly shrieks. DA 428.3
生命之君与黑暗势力之君再次在战场上相遇——基督履行了他的使命,“向被掳的宣讲释放的信息,……释放那些受压制的人”(路加福音) 4:18),撒但试图将他的受害者置于他的控制之下。看不见的光明天使和邪恶天使大军正逼近观看这场冲突。有一瞬间,耶稣允许邪灵展示他的能力,以便旁观者可以理解即将实现的拯救。 DA 428.4
Again the Prince of life and the prince of the powers of darkness had met on the field of battle,—Christ in fulfillment of His mission to “preach deliverance to the captives, ... to set at liberty them that are bruised” (Luke 4:18), Satan seeking to hold his victim under his control. Angels of light and the hosts of evil angels, unseen, were pressing near to behold the conflict. For a moment, Jesus permitted the evil spirit to display his power, that the beholders might comprehend the deliverance about to be wrought. DA 428.4
“众人屏息凝视,父亲则充满希望和恐惧。耶稣问:“这事临到他身上,有多久了?”父亲讲述了长年受苦的故事,然后仿佛再也无法忍受,大声说道:“如果你能做点什么,请怜悯我们,帮助我们。” “如果你能的话!”即使现在,父亲仍然质疑基督的力量。 DA 428.5
“The multitude looked on with bated breath, the father in an agony of hope and fear. Jesus asked, “How long is it ago since this came unto him?” The father told the story of long years of suffering, and then, as if he could endure no more, exclaimed, “If Thou canst do anything, have compassion on us, and help us.” “If Thou canst!” Even now the father questioned the power of Christ. DA 428.5
耶稣回答说:“你若能信,在信的人凡事都能。”基督并不缺乏能力;儿子的痊愈取决于父亲的信心。父亲意识到自己的软弱,泪流满面,将自己交托在基督的怜悯之下,呼喊说:“主啊,我信;我信!”帮助我消除不信。” DA 428.6
“Jesus answers, “If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.” There is no lack of power on the part of Christ; the healing of the son depends upon the father's faith. With a burst of tears, realizing his own weakness, the father casts himself upon Christ's mercy, with the cry, “Lord, I believe; help Thou mine unbelief.” DA 428.6
耶稣转向受苦的人,说:“你这又哑又聋的灵,我吩咐你从他里面出来,不要再进入他里面。”有一种哭泣,一种痛苦的挣扎。恶魔似乎即将夺去受害者的生命。然后男孩一动不动地躺着,显然已经毫无生气。众人窃窃私语:“他死了。”但耶稣拉着他的手,把他举起来,把他带到他父亲面前,他的身心都完全健康。父子俩赞美他们的拯救者的名字。群众“对上帝的大能感到惊讶”,而文士们却被打败、垂头丧气,闷闷不乐地转身走开。 DA 428.7
“Jesus turns to the suffering one, and says, “Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I charge thee, come out of him, and enter no more into him.” There is a cry, an agonized struggle. The demon, in passing, seems about to rend the life from his victim. Then the boy lies motionless, and apparently lifeless. The multitude whisper, “He is dead.” But Jesus takes him by the hand, and lifting him up, presents him, in perfect soundness of mind and body, to his father. Father and son praise the name of their Deliverer. The multitude are “amazed at the mighty power of God,” while the scribes, defeated and crestfallen, turn sullenly away. DA 428.7
“‘如果你能做任何事情,请怜悯我们,帮助我们。’有多少背负罪孽的灵魂回应了这个祈祷。怜悯的救主对所有人的回答是:“你若能信,在信的人凡事都能。”信仰将我们与天堂联系起来,并为我们带来对抗黑暗权势的力量。在基督里,神提供了方法来制服每一个罪恶的特征,并抵制每一个诱惑,无论多么强烈。但许多人觉得自己缺乏信心,因此仍然远离基督。让这些无助、无价值的灵魂将自己交托于慈悲救主的怜悯之下。不要仰望自己,而要仰望基督。当他行走在人间时医治病人、赶出邪灵的那位,今天仍然是那位大能的救赎主。信心是从神的话来的。然后抓住他的应许:“到我这里来的,我总不丢弃他。”约翰福音 6:37。俯伏在他脚前呼喊:“主啊,我信;我信!”帮助我消除不信。”当你这样做时,你永远不会灭亡——永远不会。” DA 429.1
“‘If Thou canst do anything, have compassion on us, and help us.’ How many a sin-burdened soul has echoed that prayer. And to all, the pitying Saviour's answer is, “If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.” It is faith that connects us with heaven, and brings us strength for coping with the powers of darkness. In Christ, God has provided means for subduing every sinful trait, and resisting every temptation, however strong. But many feel that they lack faith, and therefore they remain away from Christ. Let these souls, in their helpless unworthiness, cast themselves upon the mercy of their compassionate Saviour. Look not to self, but to Christ. He who healed the sick and cast out demons when He walked among men is the same mighty Redeemer today. Faith comes by the word of God. Then grasp His promise, “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37. Cast yourself at His feet with the cry, “Lord, I believe; help Thou mine unbelief.” You can never perish while you do this—never.” DA 429.1
“九个弟子仍在思考自己失败的惨痛事实;当耶稣再次单独和他们在一起时,他们问:“我们为什么不能把他赶出去呢?”耶稣回答他们说:“因为你们的不信,我实在告诉你们,你们若有信心像一粒芥菜种,就要对这座山说,从这里挪到那边去;并将其移除;对你来说,没有什么是不可能的。然而,除非通过祈祷和禁食,这种疾病不会消失。”他们的不信使他们无法对基督有更深的同情,他们对托付给他们的神圣工作也粗心大意,导致他们在与黑暗权势的斗争中失败。 DA 429.4
“The nine disciples were yet pondering upon the bitter fact of their own failure; and when Jesus was once more alone with them, they questioned, “Why could not we cast him out?” Jesus answered them, “Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.” Their unbelief, that shut them out from deeper sympathy with Christ, and the carelessness with which they regarded the sacred work committed to them, had caused their failure in the conflict with the powers of darkness. DA 429.4
“基督指向他的死的话带来了悲伤和怀疑。而选择三个门徒陪耶稣上山,更是激起了九个门徒的嫉妒。他们没有通过祈祷和沉思基督的话语来加强他们的信仰,而是一直沉迷于自己的沮丧和个人的不满之中。在这种黑暗的状态下,他们与撒但进行了斗争。 DA 431.1
“The words of Christ pointing to His death had brought sadness and doubt. And the selection of the three disciples to accompany Jesus to the mountain had excited the jealousy of the nine. Instead of strengthening their faith by prayer and meditation on the words of Christ, they had been dwelling on their discouragements and personal grievances. In this state of darkness they had undertaken the conflict with Satan. DA 431.1
“为了在这样的冲突中取得成功,他们必须以不同的精神来工作。他们的信心必须通过热切的祈祷、禁食和谦卑的心来加强。他们必须倒空自我,并被神的灵和能力充满。凭着信心诚恳、恒切地向上帝祈求——这种信心会导致完全依靠上帝,并毫无保留地献身于他的工作——只有这样才能使人在与执政的、掌权的、这黑暗世界的统治者的争战中得到圣灵的帮助。世界和高处的邪灵。 DA 431.2
“In order to succeed in such a conflict they must come to the work in a different spirit. Their faith must be strengthened by fervent prayer and fasting, and humiliation of heart. They must be emptied of self, and be filled with the Spirit and power of God. Earnest, persevering supplication to God in faith—faith that leads to entire dependence upon God, and unreserved consecration to His work—can alone avail to bring men the Holy Spirit's aid in the battle against principalities and powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world, and wicked spirits in high places. DA 431.2
耶稣说:“你们若有信心像一粒芥菜种,你们就要对这座山说,从这里移到那边去;尽管芥菜籽粒如此之小,它却蕴含着与参天之树生长相同的神秘生命原理。当芥菜种被撒到地里时,微小的胚芽就抓住了上帝为其提供营养的每一种元素,并且迅速地茁壮成长。如果你有这样的信心,你就会抓住神的话语,以及他所指定的一切有用的机构。这样你的信心就会增强,天国的力量也会帮助你。撒旦在你的道路上设置的障碍,虽然表面上像永恒的山丘一样难以逾越,但在信仰的要求面前将会消失。 “对你来说,没有什么是不可能的。” DA 431.3
“‘If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed,’ said Jesus, ‘ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove.’ Though the grain of mustard seed is so small, it contains that same mysterious life principle which produces growth in the loftiest tree. When the mustard seed is cast into the ground, the tiny germ lays hold of every element that God has provided for its nutriment, and it speedily develops a sturdy growth. If you have faith like this, you will lay hold upon God's word, and upon all the helpful agencies He has appointed. Thus your faith will strengthen, and will bring to your aid the power of heaven. The obstacles that are piled by Satan across your path, though apparently as insurmountable as the eternal hills, shall disappear before the demand of faith. ‘Nothing shall be impossible unto you.’” DA 431.3