
第 12 课,第四季度,2024 年 12 月 14 日至 20 日。

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12 月 14 日安息日下午


“彼拉多于是对他说:这样,你是王了吗?耶稣回答说,你说我是王。我为此而生,也为此来到世上,为真理作见证。凡属真理的人都听我的声音。” KJV — 约翰福音 18:37

“Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.” KJV — John 18:37

“一场地震标志着基督舍弃生命的时刻,而另一场地震则见证了他凯旋而归的时刻。战胜了死亡和坟墓的他,在大地的摇晃、闪电和雷霆的轰鸣中,以征服者的脚步从坟墓中走出来。当他再次来到地上时,他“不但要震动地,还要震动天”。 “大地将像醉汉一样摇晃,又像小屋一样被移走。” “诸天将像书卷一样卷起来;” “元素将被高温融化,大地和其中的作品也将被烧毁。”但“耶和华将成为他子民的希望,以色列人的力量。”希伯来书 12:26;以赛亚书 24:20; 34:4;彼得后书 3:10;约珥书 3:16。 DA 780.1

“耶稣死时,士兵们看到正午的大地笼罩在黑暗之中;但在复活时,他们看到天使的光辉照亮了黑夜,听到天上的居民带着极大的喜悦和胜利歌唱:你战胜了撒但和黑暗的权势;你已经胜利地吞没了死亡! DA 780.2

“基督荣耀地从坟墓中出来,罗马卫兵看见了他。他们的目光全都集中在他们最近嘲笑和嘲弄过的耶稣的脸上。在这个荣耀的存在中,他们看到了他们在审判厅里看到的那个囚犯,他们为他编了一顶荆棘王冠。这就是在彼拉多和希律王面前毫无反抗的那一位,他的身体被残酷的鞭子撕裂了。这就是被钉在十字架上的耶稣,祭司和官长们都洋洋自得地对他摇着头说:“他救了别人,他救了别人。”他无法拯救自己。”马太福音 27:42。这就是被安放在约瑟新坟墓里的耶稣。天意释放了俘虏。他的坟墓上一座又一座的山都无法阻止他出来。” DA 780.3

“An earthquake marked the hour when Christ laid down His life, and another earthquake witnessed the moment when He took it up in triumph. He who had vanquished death and the grave came forth from the tomb with the tread of a conqueror, amid the reeling of the earth, the flashing of lightning, and the roaring of thunder. When He shall come to the earth again, He will shake “not the earth only, but also heaven.” “The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage.” “The heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll;” “the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” But “the Lord will be the hope of His people, and the strength of the children of Israel.” Hebrews 12:26; Isaiah 24:20; 34:4; 2 Peter 3:10; Joel 3:16. DA 780.1

“At the death of Jesus the soldiers had beheld the earth wrapped in darkness at midday; but at the resurrection they saw the brightness of the angels illuminate the night, and heard the inhabitants of heaven singing with great joy and triumph: Thou hast vanquished Satan and the powers of darkness; Thou hast swallowed up death in victory! DA 780.2

“Christ came forth from the tomb glorified, and the Roman guard beheld Him. Their eyes were riveted upon the face of Him whom they had so recently mocked and derided. In this glorified Being they beheld the prisoner whom they had seen in the judgment hall, the one for whom they had plaited a crown of thorns. This was the One who had stood unresisting before Pilate and Herod, His form lacerated by the cruel scourge. This was He who had been nailed to the cross, at whom the priests and rulers, full of self-satisfaction, had wagged their heads, saying, “He saved others; Himself He cannot save.” Matthew 27:42. This was He who had been laid in Joseph's new tomb. The decree of heaven had loosed the captive. Mountains piled upon mountains over His sepulcher could not have prevented Him from coming forth.” DA 780.3

12 月 15 日星期日


Read John 18:33–38. What did Pilate and Jesus talk about?

彼拉多希望从耶稣那里得到真理,并逃避群众的骚乱,于是把耶稣拉到一边,再次问:“你是犹太人的王吗?” DA 726.4

“耶稣没有直接回答这个问题。他知道圣灵正在与彼拉多斗争,并且给了他承认自己信念的机会。 “这话是你自己说的,”他问道,“还是别人告诉你的?”也就是说,是祭司们的指控,还是渴望从基督那里得到亮光,引发了彼拉多的问题?彼拉多明白基督的意思;但他心中却升起了骄傲。他不会承认压在他身上的信念。 “我是犹太人吗?”他说。 “你本国和祭司长已经把你交给我了,你做了什么?” DA 726.5

“彼拉多的黄金机会已经过去了。然而耶稣并没有让他失去进一步的亮光。虽然他没有直接回答彼拉多的问题,但他清楚地说明了他自己的使命。他让彼拉多明白他并不是在寻求地上的王位。 DA 727.1

“‘我的王国不属于这个世界,’他说; ‘如果我的王国属于这个世界,那么我的仆人们就会战斗,以免我被交付给犹太人:但现在我的王国不是从这里开始的。彼拉多就对他说,这样,你是王吗?耶稣回答说,你说我是王。我为此而生,也为此来到世上,为真理作见证。凡属真理的人都听我的声音。’ DA 727.2

“基督确认他的话语本身就是一把钥匙,可以为那些准备好接受它的人解开这个奥秘。它有一种自我赞扬的力量,这就是他传播真理国度的秘诀。他希望彼拉多明白,只有接受和运用真理才能重建他被毁坏的本性。 DA 727.3

“彼拉多渴望了解真相。他的脑子一片混乱。他热切地领会救主的话,他的心被强烈的渴望所搅动,想知道这句话到底是什么,以及如何才能得到它。 “什么是真理?”他问道。但他没有等待答案。外面的喧嚣让他想起了当时的兴趣。因为祭司们强烈要求立即采取行动。当他出去到犹太人那里时,他强调说:‘查不出他有什么罪来。’” DA 727.4

“当真理被接受到心里时,它就开始了精炼和圣化接受者的工作。珍惜真理的人,不会觉得自己不再需要光照,而是在实际生活中实行真理时,会认识到自己需要不断的亮光,使自己的知识增长。当他把真理带入他的生活时,他会感受到自己真正的无知,并认识到接受更彻底的教育的必要性,这样他才能明白如何充分利用自己的能力。” CE 137.2

“Hoping to gain the truth from Him and to escape the tumult of the crowd, Pilate took Jesus aside with him, and again questioned, “Art Thou the King of the Jews?” DA 726.4

“Jesus did not directly answer this question. He knew that the Holy Spirit was striving with Pilate, and He gave him opportunity to acknowledge his conviction. “Sayest thou this thing of thyself,” He asked, “or did others tell it thee of Me?” That is, was it the accusations of the priests, or a desire to receive light from Christ, that prompted Pilate's question? Pilate understood Christ's meaning; but pride arose in his heart. He would not acknowledge the conviction that pressed upon him. “Am I a Jew?” he said. “Thine own nation and the chief priests have delivered Thee unto me: what hast Thou done?” DA 726.5

“Pilate's golden opportunity had passed. Yet Jesus did not leave him without further light. While He did not directly answer Pilate's question, He plainly stated His own mission. He gave Pilate to understand that He was not seeking an earthly throne. DA 727.1

“‘My kingdom is not of this world,’ He said; ‘if My kingdom were of this world, then would My servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is My kingdom not from hence. Pilate therefore said unto Him, Art Thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Everyone that is of the truth heareth My voice.’ DA 727.2

“Christ affirmed that His word was in itself a key which would unlock the mystery to those who were prepared to receive it. It had a self-commending power, and this was the secret of the spread of His kingdom of truth. He desired Pilate to understand that only by receiving and appropriating truth could his ruined nature be reconstructed. DA 727.3

“Pilate had a desire to know the truth. His mind was confused. He eagerly grasped the words of the Saviour, and his heart was stirred with a great longing to know what it really was, and how he could obtain it. “What is truth?” he inquired. But he did not wait for an answer. The tumult outside recalled him to the interests of the hour; for the priests were clamorous for immediate action. Going out to the Jews, he declared emphatically, ‘find in Him no fault at all.’” DA 727.4

“When the truth is received into the heart, it begins the work of refining and sanctifying the receiver. He who cherishes the truth, will not feel that he has no more need of enlightenment, but will realize as he carries out the truth in his practical life, that he is in need of continual light that he may increase in knowledge. As he brings the truth into his life, he will feel his real ignorance, and realize the necessity of having a more thorough education, that he may understand how to use his ability to the best account.” CE 137.2

12 月 16 日星期一


Read John 18:38–19:5. How did Pilate try to persuade the people to ask for Jesus’ release?

“当他出去到犹太人那里时,他强调说:“我查不出他有什么错。” DA 727.4

“异教徒法官的这些话是对指控救主的以色列统治者的背信弃义和谎言的严厉谴责。当祭司和长老从彼拉多那里听到这番话时,他们的失望和愤怒无以复加。他们蓄谋已久,等待着这个机会。当他们看到耶稣被释放的前景时,他们似乎准备把他撕成碎片。他们大声谴责彼拉多,并威胁他要受到罗马政府的谴责。他们指责他拒绝定耶稣的罪,并断言耶稣是在与凯撒作对。 DA 727.5

“现在可以听到愤怒的声音,宣称耶稣的煽动性影响在全国众所周知。祭司们说:“他煽惑百姓,在犹太遍地传道,从加利利起,直到这里。” DA 728.1

“彼拉多此时并没有想定耶稣的罪。他知道犹太人是出于仇恨和偏见来控告他的。他知道他的职责是什么。正义要求立即释放基督。但彼拉多害怕人民的恶意。如果他拒绝将耶稣交到他们手中,就会引起骚乱,这是他害怕遇到的。当他听说基督来自加利利时,他决定派他去见当时在耶路撒冷的该省的统治者希律。通过这种做法,彼拉多想把审判的责任从他自己身上转移到希律王身上。他还认为这是一个平息自己与希律王之间宿怨的好机会。事实证明。两位官长因审判救主而结交了朋友。” DA 728.2

“希律虽然心硬,却不敢认可对基督的定罪。他希望摆脱这个可怕的责任,于是他把耶稣送回罗马审判厅。 DA 731.4

“彼拉多感到失望和非常不满。当犹太人带着他们的囚犯回来时,他不耐烦地问他们要他做什么。他提醒他们,他已经检查过耶稣,并没有发现他有什么过错。他告诉他们,他们曾对他提出申诉,但他们无法证明任何一项指控。他把耶稣送到了希律那里,希律是加利利的分封君主,也是他们自己的民族之一,但他也没有发现耶稣有什么该死的地方。彼拉多说:“所以我要管教他,然后释放他。” DA 731.5

“彼拉多在这里暴露了他的弱点。他宣称耶稣是无辜的,但他愿意让耶稣受鞭打,以安抚那些控告他的人。他会牺牲正义和原则来与暴徒妥协。这使他处于不利地位。群众认为他犹豫不决,于是更加大声地要求饶恕这个囚犯。如果彼拉多一开始就立场坚定,拒绝对一个他认为无罪的人定罪,那么他就会挣断那条致命的锁链,这条锁链将他一生都束缚在悔恨和愧疚之中。如果他践行自己的正义信念,犹太人就不会妄自对他发号施令。基督会被处死,但罪责不会落在彼拉多身上。但彼拉多却一步步违背他的良心。他为自己没有做出公正和公平的判断而找借口,现在他发现自己在祭司和统治者的手中几乎无助。他的犹豫不决和优柔寡断证明了他的毁灭。” DA 731.6

“Going out to the Jews, he declared emphatically, “I find in Him no fault at all.” DA 727.4

“These words from a heathen judge were a scathing rebuke to the perfidy and falsehood of the rulers of Israel who were accusing the Saviour. As the priests and elders heard this from Pilate, their disappointment and rage knew no bounds. They had long plotted and waited for this opportunity. As they saw the prospect of the release of Jesus, they seemed ready to tear Him in pieces. They loudly denounced Pilate, and threatened him with the censure of the Roman government. They accused him of refusing to condemn Jesus, who, they affirmed, had set Himself up against Caesar. DA 727.5

“Angry voices were now heard, declaring that the seditious influence of Jesus was well known throughout the country. The priests said, “He stirreth up the people, teaching throughout all Jewry, beginning from Galilee to this place.” DA 728.1

“Pilate at this time had no thought of condemning Jesus. He knew that the Jews had accused Him through hatred and prejudice. He knew what his duty was. Justice demanded that Christ should be immediately released. But Pilate dreaded the ill will of the people. Should he refuse to give Jesus into their hands, a tumult would be raised, and this he feared to meet. When he heard that Christ was from Galilee, he decided to send Him to Herod, the ruler of that province, who was then in Jerusalem. By this course, Pilate thought to shift the responsibility of the trial from himself to Herod. He also thought this a good opportunity to heal an old quarrel between himself and Herod. And so it proved. The two magistrates made friends over the trial of the Saviour.” DA 728.2

“Hardened as he was, Herod dared not ratify the condemnation of Christ. He wished to relieve himself of the terrible responsibility, and he sent Jesus back to the Roman judgment hall. DA 731.4

“Pilate was disappointed and much displeased. When the Jews returned with their prisoner, he asked impatiently what they would have him do. He reminded them that he had already examined Jesus, and found no fault in Him; he told them that they had brought complaints against Him, but they had not been able to prove a single charge. He had sent Jesus to Herod, the tetrarch of Galilee, and one of their own nation, but he also had found in Him nothing worthy of death. “I will therefore chastise Him,” Pilate said, “and release Him.” DA 731.5

“Here Pilate showed his weakness. He had declared that Jesus was innocent, yet he was willing for Him to be scourged to pacify His accusers. He would sacrifice justice and principle in order to compromise with the mob. This placed him at a disadvantage. The crowd presumed upon his indecision, and clamored the more for the life of the prisoner. If at the first Pilate had stood firm, refusing to condemn a man whom he found guiltless, he would have broken the fatal chain that was to bind him in remorse and guilt as long as he lived. Had he carried out his convictions of right, the Jews would not have presumed to dictate to him. Christ would have been put to death, but the guilt would not have rested upon Pilate. But Pilate had taken step after step in the violation of his conscience. He had excused himself from judging with justice and equity, and he now found himself almost helpless in the hands of the priests and rulers. His wavering and indecision proved his ruin.” DA 731.6

12 月 17 日星期二


“耶稣一被钉在十字架上,十字架就被大力士举起,用极大的暴力推入准备好的地方。这给神的儿子带来了最强烈的痛苦。彼拉多随后用希伯来语、希腊语和拉丁语写了一段铭文,并将其放在十字架上,在耶稣的头上方。上面写着:“拿撒勒人耶稣,犹太人的王。”这段铭文激怒了犹太人。在彼拉多的法庭上,他们喊道:“钉他十字架”。 “除了凯撒,我们没有国王。”约翰福音 19:15。他们宣称,谁承认任何其他国王,谁就是叛徒。彼拉多写下了他们所表达的情感。除了耶稣是犹太人的王之外,没有提到任何冒犯之处。这段铭文实际上承认了犹太人对罗马政权的效忠。它宣布,任何自称以色列王的人都将受到他们的审判,该死。祭司们已经超出了自己的范围。当他们密谋杀害基督时,该亚法曾宣称,一个人应该死来拯救国家。现在他们的虚伪暴露了。为了消灭基督,他们甚至准备牺牲自己的民族存在。 DA 745.2

“祭司们看到了他们的所作所为,请求彼拉多更改碑文。他们说:“犹太人的王,不要写;但他说,我是犹太人的王。”但彼拉多却因自己以前的软弱而生自己的气,他彻底鄙视那些嫉妒、狡猾的祭司和官长。他冷冷地回答说:“‘我所写的,我已经写了。’DA 745.3

比彼拉多或犹太人更高的权力指示将这段铭文放在耶稣的头上。在神的旨意中,它是为了唤醒人们的思想和对圣经的研究。基督被钉十字架的地方离城很近。当时,来自世界各地的数千人聚集在耶路撒冷,宣告拿撒勒人耶稣为弥赛亚的铭文引起了他们的注意。这是一个活生生的真理,由上帝引导的手转录而成。 DA 745.4

“As soon as Jesus was nailed to the cross, it was lifted by strong men, and with great violence thrust into the place prepared for it. This caused the most intense agony to the Son of God. Pilate then wrote an inscription in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, and placed it upon the cross, above the head of Jesus. It read, “Jesus of Nazareth the King of the Jews.” This inscription irritated the Jews. In Pilate's court they had cried, “Crucify Him.” “We have no king but Caesar.” John 19:15. They had declared that whoever should acknowledge any other king was a traitor. Pilate wrote out the sentiment they had expressed. No offense was mentioned, except that Jesus was the King of the Jews. The inscription was a virtual acknowledgment of the allegiance of the Jews to the Roman power. It declared that whoever might claim to be the King of Israel would be judged by them worthy of death. The priests had overreached themselves. When they were plotting the death of Christ, Caiaphas had declared it expedient that one man should die to save the nation. Now their hypocrisy was revealed. In order to destroy Christ, they had been ready to sacrifice even their national existence. DA 745.2

“The priests saw what they had done, and asked Pilate to change the inscription. They said, “Write not, The King of the Jews; but that He said, I am King of the Jews.” But Pilate was angry with himself because of his former weakness, and he thoroughly despised the jealous and artful priests and rulers. He replied coldly, “‘What I have written I have written.’ DA 745.3

A higher power than Pilate or the Jews had directed the placing of that inscription above the head of Jesus. In the providence of God it was to awaken thought, and investigation of the Scriptures. The place where Christ was crucified was near to the city. Thousands of people from all lands were then at Jerusalem, and the inscription declaring Jesus of Nazareth the Messiah would come to their notice. It was a living truth, transcribed by a hand that God had guided. DA 745.4

Read John 19:25–27. What touching scene regarding Jesus’ mother happened at the cross?

“当耶稣的目光扫过他周围的人群时,一个人影引起了他的注意。耶稣的母亲站在十字架下,由门徒约翰搀扶着。她无法忍受离开她的儿子。约翰知道末日已近,于是又把她带到了十字架上。在基督临死的时刻,他想起了他的母亲。耶稣看着她悲伤的脸,然后看着约翰,对她说:“女人,看你的儿子!”然后对约翰说:“看你的母亲!”约翰明白基督的话,并接受了他的信任。他立即把玛丽带回家,从那时起,他就温柔地照顾她。怜悯慈爱的救主啊;在他身体上的痛苦和精神上的痛苦中,他对他的母亲有体贴的照顾!他没有钱来安慰她;但他被尊奉在约翰的心中,并将他的母亲作为宝贵的遗产赐给他。因此,他为她提供了她最需要的东西——因为她爱耶稣而爱她的人的温柔同情。约翰接受她作为神圣的委托,也得到了极大的祝福。她不断地提醒着他敬爱的师父。” DA 752.2

“As the eyes of Jesus wandered over the multitude about Him, one figure arrested His attention. At the foot of the cross stood His mother, supported by the disciple John. She could not endure to remain away from her Son; and John, knowing that the end was near, had brought her again to the cross. In His dying hour, Christ remembered His mother. Looking into her grief-stricken face and then upon John, He said to her, “Woman, behold thy son!” then to John, “Behold thy mother!” John understood Christ's words, and accepted the trust. He at once took Mary to his home, and from that hour cared for her tenderly. O pitiful, loving Saviour; amid all His physical pain and mental anguish, He had a thoughtful care for His mother! He had no money with which to provide for her comfort; but He was enshrined in the heart of John, and He gave His mother to him as a precious legacy. Thus He provided for her that which she most needed,—the tender sympathy of one who loved her because she loved Jesus. And in receiving her as a sacred trust, John was receiving a great blessing. She was a constant reminder of his beloved Master.” DA 752.2

阅读约19:28-30。耶稣临终时说“成了”, 这句话的意义是什么?
Read John 19:28–30. What is the significance of Jesus’ dying words, “It is finished”?

当基督口中发出“成了”的大声呼喊时,祭司们正在圣殿里主持仪式。此时正是献晚祭的时刻。代表基督的羔羊被带到了被杀的地方。祭司穿着他那件显眼而美丽的衣服,举起刀站着,就像亚伯拉罕准备杀死他的儿子时一样。人们饶有兴趣地观看着。但大地却在颤抖、震动;因为主亲自临近了。随着一声撕裂的声音,圣殿内部的面纱被一只看不见的手从上到下撕裂,向众人的目光敞开了一个曾经充满上帝临在的地方。 Shekinah 曾居住在这个地方。在这里,神在施恩座之上彰显了他的荣耀。除了大祭司之外,没有人揭开将这间公寓与圣殿其他部分隔开的面纱。他每年一次进入,为人民赎罪。但是瞧,这面纱是分成两半的。地球上最神圣的圣所不再神圣。 DA 756.5

“一切都是恐怖和混乱。牧师正要杀死受害者;但刀子从他无力的手里掉了下来,小羊逃脱了。预表在上主之子的死中遇到了原型。已经做出了巨大的牺牲。进入至圣所的路已经敞开了。一条新的、活的路已经为所有人预备好了。罪恶、悲伤的人类不再需要等待大祭司的到来。从此以后,救主将在天上担任祭司和辩护人。就好像有一个活生生的声音在对崇拜者说话:现在所有赎罪祭和供物都结束了。神的儿子按照他的话来了:“神啊,我来了(在经卷上记载着我),为要遵行你的旨意。”他“凭着自己的血”一次进入圣所,就为我们获得了永远的救赎。希伯来书 10:7; 9点12分。” DA 757.1

“When the loud cry, “It is finished,” came from the lips of Christ, the priests were officiating in the temple. It was the hour of the evening sacrifice. The lamb representing Christ had been brought to be slain. Clothed in his significant and beautiful dress, the priest stood with lifted knife, as did Abraham when he was about to slay his son. With intense interest the people were looking on. But the earth trembles and quakes; for the Lord Himself draws near. With a rending noise the inner veil of the temple is torn from top to bottom by an unseen hand, throwing open to the gaze of the multitude a place once filled with the presence of God. In this place the Shekinah had dwelt. Here God had manifested His glory above the mercy seat. No one but the high priest ever lifted the veil separating this apartment from the rest of the temple. He entered in once a year to make an atonement for the sins of the people. But lo, this veil is rent in twain. The most holy place of the earthly sanctuary is no longer sacred. DA 756.5

“All is terror and confusion. The priest is about to slay the victim; but the knife drops from his nerveless hand, and the lamb escapes. Type has met antitype in the death of God's Son. The great sacrifice has been made. The way into the holiest is laid open. A new and living way is prepared for all. No longer need sinful, sorrowing humanity await the coming of the high priest. Henceforth the Saviour was to officiate as priest and advocate in the heaven of heavens. It was as if a living voice had spoken to the worshipers: There is now an end to all sacrifices and offerings for sin. The Son of God is come according to His word, “Lo, I come (in the volume of the Book it is written of Me,) to do Thy will, O God.” “By His own blood” He entereth “in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.” Hebrews 10:7; 9:12.” DA 757.1

12 月 18 日星期三


Read John 20:1–7. What is the importance to us about what is depicted in these verses?

“这些妇女并非都从同一个方向来到坟墓。抹大拉的玛丽亚是第一个到达那个地方的。她见石头移开,就赶紧去告诉门徒。与此同时,其他女人也上来了。坟墓周围有灯光闪烁,但耶稣的尸体却不在那里。当他们在这个地方徘徊时,突然发现他们并不孤单。墓旁坐着一个穿着闪亮衣服的年轻人。是天使把石头滚开了。他伪装成人类,以免惊动耶稣的这些朋友。然而,天国荣耀的光芒仍在他周围闪耀,女人们都感到害怕。他们转身逃跑,但天使的话语阻止了他们的脚步。 “不要害怕,”他说; “因为我知道你们寻找那被钉十字架的耶稣。他不在这里:因为正如他所说,他已经复活了。来吧,看看主安放的地方。快去告诉他的门徒,他从死里复活了。”他们再次查看坟墓,再次听到了这个好消息。另一位天使以人形出现在那里,他说:“为什么在死人中寻找活人呢?他不在这里,却复活了:请记住他还在加利利时如何对你们说:“人子必须被交在罪人手里,钉在十字架上,第三日复活。” DA 788.3

“他复活了,他复活了!女人们一遍又一遍地重复这句话。现在不需要膏抹香料了。救主还活着,并没有死。他们现在记得,当谈到他的死时,他说他会复活。这对世界来说是多么美好的一天啊!很快,妇女们就“带着恐惧和极大的喜悦”离开了坟墓。并跑去告诉他的门徒。’” DA 789.1

“The women had not all come to the tomb from the same direction. Mary Magdalene was the first to reach the place; and upon seeing that the stone was removed, she hurried away to tell the disciples. Meanwhile the other women came up. A light was shining about the tomb, but the body of Jesus was not there. As they lingered about the place, suddenly they saw that they were not alone. A young man clothed in shining garments was sitting by the tomb. It was the angel who had rolled away the stone. He had taken the guise of humanity that he might not alarm these friends of Jesus. Yet about him the light of the heavenly glory was still shining, and the women were afraid. They turned to flee, but the angel's words stayed their steps. “Fear not ye,” he said; “for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. And go quickly, and tell His disciples that He is risen from the dead.” Again they look into the tomb, and again they hear the wonderful news. Another angel in human form is there, and he says, “Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen: remember how He spake unto you when He was yet in Galilee, saying, The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again.” DA 788.3

“He is risen, He is risen! The women repeat the words again and again. No need now for the anointing spices. The Saviour is living, and not dead. They remember now that when speaking of His death He said that He would rise again. What a day is this to the world! Quickly the women departed from the sepulcher ‘with fear and great joy; and did run to bring His disciples word.’” DA 789.1

Read John 20:8–10. What was the meaning of the folded face cloth?

“玛丽还没有听到这个好消息。她带着悲伤的信息去找彼得和约翰:“他们把主从坟墓里挪了去,我们不知道他们把他放在哪里。”门徒们急忙赶到坟墓,发现的地方正如马利亚所说的那样。他们看到了裹尸布和餐巾,但他们没有找到他们的主。然而,即使在这里,也有他复活的见证。裹尸布并没有被随意扔到一边,而是小心翼翼地折叠起来,每件都放在自己的地方。约翰“看见了就信了”。他还不明白圣经上说基督必须从死里复活;但他现在想起了救主预言他复活的话。 DA 789.2

“是基督亲自如此小心地放置了这些裹尸布。当这位大能的天使降临到坟墓时,另一位天使也加入了他的行列,他和他的同伴一直在看守主的身体。当天上的天使滚开石头时,另一个天使进入坟墓,解开耶稣身上的裹尸布。但救世主的手把它们折叠起来,放在原来的位置。在他同样引导恒星和原子的眼中,没有什么是不重要的。在他所有的工作中都可以看到秩序和完美。” DA 789.3

“Mary had not heard the good news. She went to Peter and John with the sorrowful message, “They have taken away the Lord out of the sepulcher, and we know not where they have laid Him.” The disciples hurried to the tomb, and found it as Mary had said. They saw the shroud and the napkin, but they did not find their Lord. Yet even here was testimony that He had risen. The graveclothes were not thrown heedlessly aside, but carefully folded, each in a place by itself. John “saw, and believed.” He did not yet understand the scripture that Christ must rise from the dead; but he now remembered the Saviour's words foretelling His resurrection. DA 789.2

“It was Christ Himself who had placed those graveclothes with such care. When the mighty angel came down to the tomb, he was joined by another, who with his company had been keeping guard over the Lord's body. As the angel from heaven rolled away the stone, the other entered the tomb, and unbound the wrappings from the body of Jesus. But it was the Saviour's hand that folded each, and laid it in its place. In His sight who guides alike the star and the atom, there is nothing unimportant. Order and perfection are seen in all His work.” DA 789.3

12 月 19 日,星期四



Read John 20:11–13. What happened here that shows why Mary Magdalene still did not understand the meaning of the empty tomb?

“马利亚跟着约翰和彼得到了坟墓;当他们返回耶路撒冷时,她留下来了。看着空荡荡的坟墓,她的心里充满了悲伤。她往里看,看到了两位天使,一位在头,另一位在耶稣躺过的地方。 “女人,你为什么哭?”他们问她。 “因为他们带走了我的主,”她回答说,“我不知道他们把他安放在哪里。” DA 789.4

“然后她转身离开,甚至远离天使,认为她必须找到一个可以告诉她耶稣的尸体发生了什么的人。另一个声音对她说:“女人,你为什么哭?你找谁?透过泪水模糊的眼睛,玛丽看到了一个男人的身影,以为那是园丁,她说:“先生,如果你把他抱出来了,请告诉我你把他放在哪里了,我会把他带走。” ”。如果这个富人的坟墓被认为是耶稣的墓地太光荣,那么她自己就会为他提供一个地方。有一个坟墓是基督自己的声音空出来的,就是拉撒路躺过的坟墓。难道她就不能在那里为她的主找到一个埋葬的地方吗?她觉得照顾他宝贵的被钉十字架的身体对她的悲伤来说是一个很大的安慰。” DA 790.1

“Mary had followed John and Peter to the tomb; when they returned to Jerusalem, she remained. As she looked into the empty tomb, grief filled her heart. Looking in, she saw the two angels, one at the head and the other at the foot where Jesus had lain. “Woman, why weepest thou?” they asked her. “Because they have taken away my Lord,” she answered, “and I know not where they have laid Him.” DA 789.4

“Then she turned away, even from the angels, thinking that she must find someone who could tell her what had been done with the body of Jesus. Another voice addressed her, “Woman, why weepest thou? whom seekest thou?” Through her tear-dimmed eyes, Mary saw the form of a man, and thinking that it was the gardener, she said, “Sir, if thou have borne Him hence, tell me where thou hast laid Him, and I will take Him away.” If this rich man's tomb was thought too honorable a burial place for Jesus, she herself would provide a place for Him. There was a grave that Christ's own voice had made vacant, the grave where Lazarus had lain. Might she not there find a burial place for her Lord? She felt that to care for His precious crucified body would be a great consolation to her in her grief.” DA 790.1


Read John 20:14–18. What changed everything for Mary?

“但现在耶稣用他自己熟悉的声音对她说:‘马利亚。’”现在她知道在对她说话的并不是一个陌生人,她一转身就看到了活生生的基督。她高兴极了,忘记了耶稣已经被钉在十字架上了。她跳向他,仿佛要拥抱他的脚,她说:“拉博尼。”但基督举手说,不要耽搁我; “因为我还没有升到我的父那里去。你们到我的弟兄那里去,对他们说,我升到我的父那里,也是你们的父那里;归向我的上帝,也是你们的上帝。”玛利亚带着欢乐的信息向门徒们走去。” DA 790.2

“But now in His own familiar voice Jesus said to her, “Mary.” Now she knew that it was not a stranger who was addressing her, and turning she saw before her the living Christ. In her joy she forgot that He had been crucified. Springing toward Him, as if to embrace His feet, she said, “Rabboni.” But Christ raised His hand, saying, Detain Me not; “for I am not yet ascended to My Father: but go to My brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto My Father, and your Father; and to My God, and your God.” And Mary went her way to the disciples with the joyful message.” DA 790.2

12 月 20 日,星期五


当救主在上帝面前,为他的教会接受礼物时,门徒们想到他空荡荡的坟墓,就悲伤哭泣。这对全天庭来说是一个欢乐的日子,对门徒来说却是一个不确定、混乱和困惑的日子。他们对妇女证词的不相信证明了他们的信仰是多么低落。基督复活的消息与他们的预期是如此不同,以至于他们无法相信。他们想,这太好了,令人难以置信。他们听过太多撒都该人的教义和所谓的科学理论,以至于他们对复活的印象很模糊。他们几乎不知道从死里复活意味着什么。他们无法接受这个伟大的主题。 DA 790.4

“你们去吧,”天使对妇女们说,“告诉他的门徒和彼得,他在你们以先往加利利去;在那里你们要看见他,正如他对你们所说的。”这些天使在基督在世的一生中一直作为守护天使与他同在。他们目睹了他的审判和钉十字架。他们听到了他对门徒所说的话。他们向门徒传达的信息表明了这一点,并且应该让他们相信这是事实。这样的话只能来自他们复活的主的使者。 DA 793.1

“‘告诉他的门徒和彼得,’天使说。自从基督死后,彼得就一直悔恨不已。他对主的可耻的否认,以及救主慈爱和痛苦的目光,一直在他眼前。在所有弟子中,他受的苦最深。他得到保证,他的悔改已被接受,他的罪已被宽恕。书中提到了他的名字。 DA 793.2

“‘告诉他的门徒和彼得,他在你们以先往加利利去,在那里你们要看见他。’所有的门徒都离弃了耶稣,而再次与他相见的呼召也包括了他们所有人。他并没有抛弃它们。当抹大拉的马利亚告诉他们她已经看见主时,她重复了参加加利利聚会的呼召。第三次,这个消息被发送给他们。耶稣升天到父那里后,向其他妇女显现,说:“万岁!他们就上前抱住他的脚敬拜他。耶稣对他们说,不要害怕,你们去告诉我的弟兄们,他们往加利利去,在那里必看见我。 DA 793.3

基督复活后在世上的第一项工作就是让门徒相信他对他们的爱和温柔的关怀从未减少。向他们证明他是他们活着的救主,他已经挣脱了坟墓的锁链,不再被敌人的死亡所束缚;为了彰显他作为他们敬爱的老师与他们在一起时的慈爱之心,他一次又一次地向他们显现。他会把他们周围的爱的纽带拉得更紧。他说,去告诉我的弟兄们,他们在加利利遇见我。 DA 793.4

当门徒们听到这个如此明确的任命时,他们开始思考基督对他们预言他的复活的话。但即使是现在,他们也不高兴。他们无法摆脱心中的疑惑和困惑。即使妇女们宣称她们看见了主,门徒也不相信。他们认为这是一种幻觉。” DA 794.1

“While the Saviour was in God's presence, receiving gifts for His church, the disciples thought upon His empty tomb, and mourned and wept. The day that was a day of rejoicing to all heaven was to the disciples a day of uncertainty, confusion, and perplexity. Their unbelief in the testimony of the women gives evidence of how low their faith had sunk. The news of Christ's resurrection was so different from what they had anticipated that they could not believe it. It was too good to be true, they thought. They had heard so much of the doctrines and the so-called scientific theories of the Sadducees that the impression made on their minds in regard to the resurrection was vague. They scarcely knew what the resurrection from the dead could mean. They were unable to take in the great subject. DA 790.4

“‘Go your way,’ the angels had said to the women, “tell His disciples and Peter that He goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see Him, as He said unto you.” These angels had been with Christ as guardian angels throughout His life on earth. They had witnessed His trial and crucifixion. They had heard His words to His disciples. This was shown by their message to the disciples, and should have convinced them of its truth. Such words could have come only from the messengers of their risen Lord. DA 793.1

“‘Tell His disciples and Peter,’ the angels said. Since the death of Christ, Peter had been bowed down with remorse. His shameful denial of the Lord, and the Saviour's look of love and anguish, were ever before him. Of all the disciples he had suffered most bitterly. To him the assurance is given that his repentance is accepted and his sin forgiven. He is mentioned by name. DA 793.2

“‘Tell His disciples and Peter that He goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see Him.’ All the disciples had forsaken Jesus, and the call to meet Him again includes them all. He has not cast them off. When Mary Magdalene told them she had seen the Lord, she repeated the call to the meeting in Galilee. And a third time the message was sent to them. After He had ascended to the Father, Jesus appeared to the other women, saying, “All hail. And they came and held Him by the feet, and worshiped Him. Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid: go tell My brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see Me.” DA 793.3

“Christ's first work on earth after His resurrection was to convince His disciples of His undiminished love and tender regard for them. To give them proof that He was their living Saviour, that He had broken the fetters of the tomb, and could no longer be held by the enemy death; to reveal that He had the same heart of love as when He was with them as their beloved Teacher, He appeared to them again and again. He would draw the bonds of love still closer around them. Go tell My brethren, He said, that they meet Me in Galilee. DA 793.4

“As they heard this appointment, so definitely given, the disciples began to think of Christ's words to them foretelling His resurrection. But even now they did not rejoice. They could not cast off their doubt and perplexity. Even when the women declared that they had seen the Lord, the disciples would not believe. They thought them under an illusion.” DA 794.1