
第 8 课,第四季度 2024 年 11 月 16 日至 22 日

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11 月 16 日安息日下午



“But I have greater witness than that of John: for the works which the Father hath given me to finish, the same works that I do, bear witness of me, that the Father hath sent me.” KJV — John 5:36

“耶稣谈到约翰,是为了让他们明白,在拒绝自己的同时,他们也拒绝了他们所欢喜接受的先知。他进一步宣称:“但我有比约翰更大的见证;因为父交给我要完成的事工,就是我所做的事,见证我是父差遣了我。”天岂不是开了,从上帝宝座发出的光,用荣耀围绕着他,耶和华的声音宣告说:“这是我的爱子,我所喜悦的”?除此之外,他自己的作品也宣告了他的神性。这位因违反安息日而被提审的人,站在原告面前,披着神圣的恩典,说出的话语就像真理的箭一样刺穿他们。他没有为他们所抱怨的行为道歉,也没有解释他这样做的目的,而是转而攻击统治者,被告变成了原告。 2SP 170.2

‘他斥责他们的心刚硬,他们读圣经时盲目无知,却夸耀自己比其他民族优越。那些自以为是圣经教师和律法解释者的人,其实根本不了解律法的主张。他谴责他们的世俗、他们对赞美和权力的热爱、他们的贪婪和缺乏同情心。他指责他们不相信他们自称尊敬的圣经,执行圣经的形式和仪式,而忽视作为法律基础的伟大真理原则。他宣称他们拒绝了上帝的话语,正如他们拒绝了上帝所差来的他一样。他命令他们‘查考圣经;因为你们认为在他们里面有永生;为我作见证的就是他们。’” 2SP 171.1

“Jesus speaks of John that they may see how, in rejecting himself, they also reject the prophet whom they had received with joy. He further declares: “But I have greater witness than that of John; for the works which the Father hath given me to finish, the same works that I do, bear witness of me, that the Father hath sent me.” Had not the heavens opened and light from the throne of God encircled him with glory, while the voice of Jehovah proclaimed, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased”? Besides all this, his own works declared his divinity. He who had been arraigned as a Sabbath-breaker stood before his accusers clothed with divine grace, and uttering words that pierced them like arrows of truth. Instead of apologizing for the act of which they complained, or explaining his purpose in doing it, he turns upon the rulers, and the accused becomes the accuser. 2SP 170.2

‘He rebukes them for the hardness of their hearts, for the blind ignorance with which they read the Scriptures, while they boasted of their superiority over every other people. They who assume to be teachers of the Scriptures and expounders of the law are themselves basely ignorant of its claims. He denounces their worldliness, their love of praise and power, their avarice and want of compassion. He charges them with disbelieving the Scriptures which they profess to revere, carrying out its forms and ceremonies while ignoring the great principles of truth that are the foundation of the law. He declares that they have rejected the word of God, inasmuch as they have rejected him whom God has sent. He commands them to ‘search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life; and they are they which testify of me.’” 2SP 171.1

11 月 17 日,星期日



Read John 5:17, 20, 36–38. How do these verses describe the relationship between Jesus and God the Father, especially in the context of the signs?

“整个犹太人民族都称上帝为他们的父亲,因此,如果基督表明自己与上帝处于同样的关系,他们就不会如此愤怒。但他们指责他亵渎,表明他们理解他是在最高意义上做出这一主张的。 DA 207.4

“耶稣驳斥了亵渎的指控。他说,我做你们指控我的工作的权柄在于,我是神的儿子,在本性、意志和目的上与他合一。在他所有的创造和护理工作中,我与上帝合作。 “子凭着自己不能做什么,但他看见父所做的事。”祭司和拉比们正在责备上帝的儿子去做他被派到世界上要做的工作。他们因罪孽而与上帝隔绝,并因骄傲而独立于上帝而行动。他们觉得自己足以应付一切,并意识到不需要更高的智慧来指导他们的行为。但神的儿子却屈服于天父的旨意,并依赖他的能力。基督完全倒空了自己,以至于他没有为自己制定任何计划。他接受了神对他的计划,天父也日复一日地展开他的计划。因此,我们应该依靠上帝,使我们的生活成为他旨意的简单实现。” DA 208.2

救主继续说:“凡他[父]所做的事,子也照样做……正如父使死人复活,使他们活过来一样;照样,子也照样随自己的意思使人复活。」撒都该人认为,身体不会复活。但耶稣告诉他们,天父最伟大的工作之一就是使死人复活,而他自己也有能力做同样的工作。 “时候将到,现在就是了,死人要听见神儿子的声音,听见的人就要活了。”法利赛人相信死人复活。基督宣称,即使现在,使死者复活的力量就在他们中间,他们将亲眼目睹这力量的显现。这复活的大能也赋予“死在过犯罪恶之中”的灵魂以生命。以弗所书 2:1。基督耶稣里的生命之灵,“他复活的大能”,使人“脱离罪和死亡的律”。腓立比书 3:10;罗马书 8:2。邪恶的统治被打破,通过信仰灵魂可以远离罪恶。向基督的灵敞开心扉的人,就分享了那将把他的身体带出坟墓的大能。 DA 209.3

“谦卑的拿撒勒人宣称他真正的高贵。他超越人类,摆脱罪恶和耻辱的伪装,显露出来,他是天使中的尊贵者,上帝的儿子,与宇宙的创造者合一。他的听众都被迷住了。从来没有人说过像他这样的话语,也没有人表现过如此王者的威严。他的话语清晰明了,充分宣示了他的使命,以及世界的责任。 ‘因为父不审判任何人,而是将一切审判都交托给子,叫所有人都尊敬子,正如尊敬父一样。不尊敬子的,就是不尊敬差子来的父。……因为父本身就有生命,父也有生命。照样,他赐给子生命,使他在自己里面有生命。并赐给他执行审判的权柄,因为他是人子。’” DA 210.1

“The whole nation of the Jews called God their Father, therefore they would not have been so enraged if Christ had represented Himself as standing in the same relation to God. But they accused Him of blasphemy, showing that they understood Him as making this claim in the highest sense. DA 207.4

“Jesus repelled the charge of blasphemy. My authority, He said, for doing the work of which you accuse Me, is that I am the Son of God, one with Him in nature, in will, and in purpose. In all His works of creation and providence, I co-operate with God. “The Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He seeth the Father do.” The priests and rabbis were taking the Son of God to task for the very work He had been sent into the world to do. By their sins they had separated themselves from God, and in their pride were moving independently of Him. They felt sufficient in themselves for all things, and realized no need of a higher wisdom to direct their acts. But the Son of God was surrendered to the Father's will, and dependent upon His power. So utterly was Christ emptied of self that He made no plans for Himself. He accepted God's plans for Him, and day by day the Father unfolded His plans. So should we depend upon God, that our lives may be the simple outworking of His will.” DA 208.2

“The Saviour continued: “What things soever He [the Father] doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.... As the Father raiseth up the dead, and quickeneth them; even so the Son quickeneth whom He will.” The Sadducees held that there would be no resurrection of the body; but Jesus tells them that one of the greatest works of His Father is raising the dead, and that He Himself has power to do the same work. “The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.” The Pharisees believed in the resurrection of the dead. Christ declares that even now the power which gives life to the dead is among them, and they are to behold its manifestation. This same resurrection power is that which gives life to the soul “dead in trespasses and sins.” Ephesians 2:1. That spirit of life in Christ Jesus, “the power of His resurrection,” sets men “free from the law of sin and death.” Philippians 3:10; Romans 8:2. The dominion of evil is broken, and through faith the soul is kept from sin. He who opens his heart to the Spirit of Christ becomes a partaker of that mighty power which shall bring forth his body from the grave. DA 209.3

“The humble Nazarene asserts His real nobility. He rises above humanity, throws off the guise of sin and shame, and stands revealed, the Honored of the angels, the Son of God, One with the Creator of the universe. His hearers are spellbound. No man has ever spoken words like His, or borne himself with such a kingly majesty. His utterances are clear and plain, fully declaring His mission, and the duty of the world. ‘For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son: that all men should honor the Son, even as they honor the Father. He that honoreth not the Son honoreth not the Father which hath sent Him.... For as the Father hath life in Himself; so hath He given to the Son to have life in Himself; and hath given Him authority to execute judgment also, because He is the Son of man.’” DA 210.1

11 月 18 日星期一



Read the following texts: John 5:39, 40, 46, 47. What do they teach us about Jesus’ attitude toward the authority of Scripture?

“犹太人拥有圣经,并认为仅仅凭借对圣经的外在知识,他们就可以获得永生。但耶稣说:“他的话没有住在你们心里。”他们在言语上拒绝了基督,就亲自拒绝了他。他说:“你们不肯到我这里来得生命。” DA 212.1

“犹太领袖研究了先知关于弥赛亚王国的教导;但他们这样做并不是出于真诚地想要了解真相,而是为了寻找证据来维持他们雄心勃勃的希望。当基督以与他们所期望的相反的方式降临时,他们就不接受他;为了为自己辩护,他们试图证明他是个骗子。一旦他们踏上这条道路,撒但就很容易加强他们对基督的反对。本应被视为他神性证据的话语却被解释为对他不利的。因此,他们把神的真理变成了谎言,而救主越是直接地以他的怜悯之工向他们说话,他们就越坚决地抵制光明。” DA 212.2

耶稣说:“‘如果你们相信摩西,你们就会相信我,因为他写的是我。你们若不相信他的著作,又怎能相信我的话呢?”基督通过摩西对以色列人说话。如果他们听到了通过他们的伟大领袖发出的神圣声音,他们就会在基督的教义中认出它。如果他们相信摩西,他们就会相信摩西所写的那位。” DA 213.2

“The Jews had the Scriptures in their possession, and supposed that in their mere outward knowledge of the word they had eternal life. But Jesus said, “Ye have not His word abiding in you.” Having rejected Christ in His word, they rejected Him in person. “Ye will not come to Me,” He said, “that ye might have life.” DA 212.1

“The Jewish leaders had studied the teachings of the prophets concerning the kingdom of the Messiah; but they had done this, not with a sincere desire to know the truth, but with the purpose of finding evidence to sustain their ambitious hopes. When Christ came in a manner contrary to their expectations, they would not receive Him; and in order to justify themselves, they tried to prove Him a deceiver. When once they had set their feet in this path, it was easy for Satan to strengthen their opposition to Christ. The very words that should have been received as evidence of His divinity were interpreted against Him. Thus they turned the truth of God into a lie, and the more directly the Saviour spoke to them in His works of mercy, the more determined they were in resisting the light.” DA 212.2

“‘Had ye believed Moses,’ said Jesus, “ye would have believed Me: for he wrote of Me. But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe My words?” It was Christ who had spoken to Israel through Moses. If they had listened to the divine voice that spoke through their great leader, they would have recognized it in the teachings of Christ. Had they believed Moses, they would have believed Him of whom Moses wrote.” DA 213.2


Read the following texts: John 13:18; John 17:12; and John 19:24, 28, 36. What do they teach about the authority of Scripture as understood by Jesus and John? What should this tell us about the crucial role all Scripture must have for our faith, as well?

“旧约圣经的每一页,无论是历史、戒律还是预言,都闪耀着神儿子的荣耀。就其神圣制度而言,整个犹太教体系都是福音的紧凑预言。 “众先知都为基督作见证”。使徒行传 10:43。从给予亚当的应许,一直到族长血统和合法经济,天上的荣耀之光显明了救赎主的脚踪。先知们看到了伯利恒之星,即即将到来的示罗,未来的事物以神秘的行列在他们面前掠过。每一次献祭都表明了基督的死。在每一朵香云中,他的公义都升腾起来。每一次禧年的号角都吹响了他的名字。他的荣耀居住在至圣所的可怕奥秘之中。” DA 211.5

“In every page, whether history, or precept, or prophecy, the Old Testament Scriptures are irradiated with the glory of the Son of God. So far as it was of divine institution, the entire system of Judaism was a compacted prophecy of the gospel. To Christ “give all the prophets witness.” Acts 10:43. From the promise given to Adam, down through the patriarchal line and the legal economy, heaven's glorious light made plain the footsteps of the Redeemer. Seers beheld the Star of Bethlehem, the Shiloh to come, as future things swept before them in mysterious procession. In every sacrifice Christ's death was shown. In every cloud of incense His righteousness ascended. By every jubilee trumpet His name was sounded. In the awful mystery of the holy of holies His glory dwelt.” DA 211.5

11 月 19 日星期二



How are the following New Testament and Old Testament passages linked? That is, how does the New Testament use these texts to bear witness to Jesus?

约翰福音 1:23,以赛亚书 1:23 40:3 – “约翰所提到的经文就是以赛亚那美丽的预言:“在旷野有声音喊着说:你们要预备主的路,在旷野为我们的上帝修直一条大道。一切山谷都将被抬高,一切大山小山都将被削平;弯曲的地方必被修直,崎岖的地方必被修平;耶和华的荣耀必显现,凡有血气的都必一同看见。”以赛亚书 40:1-5,边缘。 DA 134.9

“古代,当国王在他的领土上的人迹罕至的地方旅行时,一队人会被派在皇家战车前面,以平整陡峭的地方并填平洼地,以便国王可以安全无阻碍地行驶。先知用这个习惯来说明福音的工作。 DA 135.1

约翰福音 2:16, 17;诗。 69:9 – “恐慌席卷了众人,他们感受到了他神性的笼罩。数百张惨白的嘴唇发出恐怖的叫声。连弟子都瑟瑟发抖。他们对耶稣的言语和态度感到敬畏,这与他平时的举止截然不同。他们记得经上这样论及他:“我为你的殿心里焦急,如同火烧”。诗篇 69:9。很快,喧闹的人群带着他们的商品就远离了主的圣殿。法庭上没有邪恶的交通,混乱的场面陷入了深深的寂静和庄严。主的临在,从前使这座山成圣,现在也使为他的荣耀而建的圣殿变得神圣。” DA 158.3

约翰福音 7:38,耶利米书 7:38 2:13 – “人若渴了,可以到我这里来喝。信我的人,就如经上所说,从他腹中要流出活水的江河来。”约翰说:“这是指着信他的人应当受圣灵说的。”约翰福音 7:37-39。清新的水,在干旱贫瘠的土地上涌出,使沙漠之地开花,并流出来赐生命给灭亡的人,这是唯有基督才能赐予的神圣恩典的象征,就像活水一样,净化、提神、振奋灵魂。凡有基督住在里面的人,他里面就有永不枯竭的恩典和力量的泉源。耶稣为所有真正寻求他的人带来欢乐,并照亮他们的道路。他的爱若被接受在心里,就会在善行中涌现,直到永生。它不仅会祝福它所涌出的灵魂,而且会以正义的言语和行为流出活水,以解除他周围的干渴。” PP 412.2

对耶利米来说,基督是“活水的泉源”;对撒迦利亚来说,“罪和不洁的泉源……开了”。耶利米书 2:13;撒迦利亚书 13:1。” PP 413.1

约翰福音 19:36,民数记 19:36 9:12 – “粗鲁的士兵因听到和看到基督而软化了,他们被制止了,没有折断他的四肢。因此,在献上神的羔羊时,就应验了逾越节的律法:“任何东西都不可留到早晨,也不可折断羊羔的骨头,要照逾越节一切的条例守。”民数记 9:12 DA 771.3

“‘这些事成就了,为要应验经上的话:他的骨头一根也不可折断。又有经上又说,他们必仰望自己所扎的人。’”约翰福音 19:34-37。 DA 771.4

John 1:23, Isa. 40:3 – “The scripture to which John referred is that beautiful prophecy of Isaiah: “The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain: and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.” Isaiah 40:1-5, margin. DA 134.9

“Anciently, when a king journeyed through the less frequented parts of his dominion, a company of men was sent ahead of the royal chariot to level the steep places and to fill up the hollows, that the king might travel in safety and without hindrance. This custom is employed by the prophet to illustrate the work of the gospel. DA 135.1

John 2:16, 17; Ps. 69:9 – “A panic sweeps over the multitude, who feel the overshadowing of His divinity. Cries of terror escape from hundreds of blanched lips. Even the disciples tremble. They are awestruck by the words and manner of Jesus, so unlike His usual demeanor. They remember that it is written of Him, “The zeal of Thine house hath eaten Me up.” Psalm 69:9. Soon the tumultuous throng with their merchandise are far removed from the temple of the Lord. The courts are free from unholy traffic, and a deep silence and solemnity settles upon the scene of confusion. The presence of the Lord, that of old sanctified the mount, has now made sacred the temple reared in His honor.” DA 158.3

John 7:38, Jer. 2:13 – “If any man thirst, let him come unto Me, and drink. He that believeth on Me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” “This,” said John, “spake He of the Spirit, which they that believe on Him should receive.” John 7:37-39. The refreshing water, welling up in a parched and barren land, causing the desert place to blossom, and flowing out to give life to the perishing, is an emblem of the divine grace which Christ alone can bestow, and which is as the living water, purifying, refreshing, and invigorating the soul. He in whom Christ is abiding has within him a never-failing fountain of grace and strength. Jesus cheers the life and brightens the path of all who truly seek Him. His love, received into the heart, will spring up in good works unto eternal life. And not only does it bless the soul in which it springs, but the living stream will flow out in words and deeds of righteousness, to refresh the thirsting around him.” PP 412.2

“To Jeremiah, Christ is “the fountain of living waters;” to Zechariah, “a fountain opened ... for sin and for uncleanness.” Jeremiah 2:13; Zechariah 13:1.” PP 413.1

John 19:36, Num. 9:12 – “The rude soldiers had been softened by what they had heard and seen of Christ, and they were restrained from breaking His limbs. Thus in the offering of the Lamb of God was fulfilled the law of the Passover, “They shall leave none of it unto the morning, nor break any bone of it: according to all the ordinances of the Passover they shall keep it.” Numbers 9:12 DA 771.3

“‘For these things were done, that the scripture should be fulfilled, A bone of Him shall not be broken. And again another scripture saith, They shall look on Him whom they pierced.’” John 19:34-37. DA 771.4

11 月 20 日星期三



What do each of the following passages from John’s Gospel reveal about Jesus as a fulfillment of Messianic prophecy?

约翰福音 12:13,诗篇。 118:26 当耶稣骑马进了耶路撒冷的时候,“众门徒都因所看见的一切异能,都喜乐,大声赞美神;说:奉主名降临的君王是应当称颂的!愿平安归天,荣耀归于至高者。群众中有几个法利赛人对耶稣说,夫子,责备你的门徒吧。耶稣回答说:“我告诉你们,这些人若不作声,石头立刻就喊叫”(路加福音 19:37-40)。 1SM 412.1

约翰福音 12:14, 15;泽克。 9:9 – “耶稣治愈了他们的疾病;他把他们抱在怀里,接受他们充满感激之情的亲吻,当他教导百姓时,他们中的一些人在他的怀里睡着了。现在孩子们用高兴的声音赞美他。他们重复前一天的和散那,并在救主面前得意地挥舞棕榈枝。圣殿里回荡着他们的欢呼声:“奉主名来的,是应当称颂的!” “看哪,你的王来到你身边;他是公义的,并且有救恩!”诗篇 118:26;撒迦利亚书 9:9。 ‘和散那归于大卫的子孙!’” DA 592.2

约翰福音 13:18,诗篇。 41:9 – “在洗脚时,基督给出了令人信服的证据,表明他了解犹大的性格。他说:“你们不都是洁净的”(约翰福音 13:11)。这些话让假门徒相信基督读懂了他的秘密目的。现在基督说得更清楚了。当他们坐席时,耶稣看着他的门徒说:“我不是指着你们众人说的,我知道我所拣选的是谁;但为要应验经上的话,与我同席吃饭的人,抬起脚跟来抵着他们。”我。”DA 653.5

约翰福音 19:37,撒迦利亚书。 12:10,撒克。 13:6 – “祭司们希望确定耶稣的死,在他们的建议下,一名士兵将矛刺入救主的肋旁。从伤口处,流出了两股清晰的溪流,一是血,一是水。所有旁观者都注意到了这一点,约翰非常明确地陈述了这一事件。他说:“有一个士兵用矛刺穿了他的肋旁,立刻流出血和水。那看见的人就作见证,他的见证是真实的;他也知道他说的是真的,以便你们可以相信。这些事成就了,为要应验经上的话:他的骨头一根也不可折断。经上又说:“他们必仰望自己所扎的人。”约翰福音 19:34-37。” DA 771.4

John 12:13, Ps. 118:26 - When Jesus rode into Jerusalem, “the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen; saying, Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord: peace in heaven, and glory in the highest. And some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said unto him, Master, rebuke thy disciples. And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out” (Luke 19:37-40).” 1SM 412.1

John 12:14, 15; Zech. 9:9 – “Jesus had healed their maladies; He had clasped them in His arms, received their kisses of grateful affection, and some of them had fallen asleep upon His breast as He was teaching the people. Now with glad voices the children sounded His praise. They repeated the hosannas of the day before, and waved palm branches triumphantly before the Saviour. The temple echoed and re-echoed with their acclamations, “Blessed be He that cometh in the name of the Lord!” “Behold, thy King cometh unto thee; He is just, and having salvation!” Psalm 118:26; Zechariah 9:9. ‘Hosanna to the Son of David!’” DA 592.2

John 13:18, Ps. 41:9 – “At the feet washing, Christ had given convincing proof that He understood the character of Judas. “Ye are not all clean” (John 13:11), He said. These words convinced the false disciple that Christ read his secret purpose. Now Christ spoke out more plainly. As they were seated at the table He said, looking upon His disciples, ‘I speak not of you all: I know whom I have chosen: but that the scripture may be fulfilled, He that eateth bread with Me hath lifted up his heel against Me.’” DA 653.5

John 19:37, Zech. 12:10, Zech. 13:6 – “The priests wished to make sure of the death of Jesus, and at their suggestion a soldier thrust a spear into the Saviour's side. From the wound thus made, there flowed two copious and distinct streams, one of blood, the other of water. This was noted by all the beholders, and John states the occurrence very definitely. He says, “One of the soldiers with a spear pierced His side, and forthwith came there out blood and water. And he that saw it bare record, and his record is true: and he knoweth that he saith true, that ye might believe. For these things were done, that the scripture should be fulfilled, A bone of Him shall not be broken. And again another scripture saith, They shall look on Him whom they pierced.” John 19:34-37.” DA 771.4

1 月 21 日,星期四



Read John 8:12–30. What is the dynamic here between Jesus and these religious leaders? Which texts best explain why many rejected Him?

“神是光;基督用“我是世界的光”这句话宣告了他与上帝的合一,以及他与整个人类家庭的关系。是他一开始就让“光从黑暗中照出来”。哥林多后书 4:6。他是太阳、月亮和星星的光。他是象征、预表和预言中照耀以色列的属灵之光。但亮光不仅仅赐给犹太民族。正如阳光照射到地球最遥远的角落,正义日头的光芒也照耀着每一个灵魂。” DA 464.3

“耶稣用‘我是世界的光’的话宣告自己是弥赛亚。年老的西缅在基督正在教导的圣殿里,曾称他为“照亮外邦人的光,也是你子民以色列的荣耀”。路加福音 2:32。他用这些话向耶稣应用了所有以色列人都熟悉的预言。圣灵借先知以赛亚宣告说:“你作我的仆人,兴起雅各各支派,复兴以色列的民,这实在是太轻了;我也要赐你作我的光明,照亮全人类。”外邦人哪,愿你作我的救恩,直到地极。」以赛亚书 49:6, R.V. 这个预言通常被理解为关于弥赛亚的预言,当耶稣说:“我是世界的光”时,人们不可能不承认他声称自己是应许者。 DA 465.1

“对于法利赛人和统治者来说,这种说法似乎是一种傲慢的假设。像他们这样的人竟然做出了他们无法容忍的自负。他们似乎无视他的话,问道:“你是谁?”他们一心要强迫他宣称自己是基督。他的外表和他的工作与人们的期望大相径庭,以至于正如他狡猾的敌人所相信的那样,直接宣布他自己是弥赛亚会导致他被视为冒名顶替者而被拒绝。 DA 465.2

“但是对于他们的问题,‘你是谁?’”耶稣回答说:“就是我从起初对你们所说的。”约翰福音 8:25,R.V.他话语中所揭示的,也体现在他的品格中。他是他所教导的真理的化身。 “我不凭自己做什么,”他继续说道。 “但正如我父亲教导我的那样,我说这些话。那差我来的,与我同在;父没有撇下我独自一人;因为我总是做那些令他高兴的事情。”他并没有试图证明他的弥赛亚主张,而是表明他与上帝的合一。如果他们的心向上帝的爱敞开,他们就会接受耶稣。” DA 465.3

“God is light; and in the words, “I am the light of the world,” Christ declared His oneness with God, and His relation to the whole human family. It was He who at the beginning had caused “the light to shine out of darkness.” 2 Corinthians 4:6. He is the light of sun and moon and star. He was the spiritual light that in symbol and type and prophecy had shone upon Israel. But not to the Jewish nation alone was the light given. As the sunbeams penetrate to the remotest corners of the earth, so does the light of the Sun of Righteousness shine upon every soul.” DA 464.3

“In the words, “I am the light of the world,” Jesus declared Himself the Messiah. The aged Simeon, in the temple where Christ was now teaching, had spoken of Him as “a light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of Thy people Israel.” Luke 2:32. In these words he was applying to Him a prophecy familiar to all Israel. By the prophet Isaiah, the Holy Spirit had declared, “It is too light a thing that Thou shouldest be My servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel: I will also give Thee for a light to the Gentiles, that Thou mayest be My salvation unto the end of the earth.” Isaiah 49:6, R. V. This prophecy was generally understood as spoken of the Messiah, and when Jesus said, “I am the light of the world,” the people could not fail to recognize His claim to be the Promised One. DA 465.1

“To the Pharisees and rulers this claim seemed an arrogant assumption. That a man like themselves should make such pretensions they could not tolerate. Seeming to ignore His words, they demanded, “Who art Thou?” They were bent upon forcing Him to declare Himself the Christ. His appearance and His work were so at variance with the expectations of the people, that, as His wily enemies believed, a direct announcement of Himself as the Messiah would cause Him to be rejected as an impostor. DA 465.2

“But to their question, “Who art Thou?” Jesus replied, “Even that which I have also spoken unto you from the beginning.” John 8:25, R.V. That which had been revealed in His words was revealed also in His character. He was the embodiment of the truths He taught. “I do nothing of Myself,” He continued; “but as My Father hath taught Me, I speak these things. And He that sent Me is with Me: the Father hath not left Me alone; for I do always those things that please Him.” He did not attempt to prove His Messianic claim, but showed His unity with God. If their minds had been open to God's love, they would have received Jesus.” DA 465.3

11 月 22 日星期五


““‘你们凭肉体判断;我不评判任何人。然而,如果我做出判断,我的判断就是正确的;因为我并不孤单,还有我和差我来的父。”因此,他宣称自己是上帝差遣来完成他的工作的。他没有与祭司或统治者协商他要采取的行动;因为他的委托是来自最高权威,甚至是宇宙的创造者。耶稣在他神圣的职分中教导了人们,解除了痛苦,赦免了罪孽,并洁净了圣殿,也就是他天父的家,并将亵渎者从其神圣的大门上赶了出去;他谴责了法利赛人虚伪的生活,并责备了他们隐藏的罪恶。所有这一切他都是在天父的指示下行事的。因此他们恨他并想杀他。耶稣对他们说:“你们是从下面来的;你们是从下面来的。”我来自上面。你们属于这个世界;我不属于这个世界。” 2SP 355.1

“‘当你们举起人子的时候,你们就知道我就是神,并且知道我所作的,除了照我父所教导我的以外,没有什么不同的。’‘差我来的那一位与我同在,我必照样行。天父没有撇下我独自一人;因为我总是做那些令他高兴的事。”这些话以令人激动的力量说出来,一时间让法利赛人闭嘴了,并使许多专心聆听的人与耶稣联合起来,相信他成为神的儿子。他对这些信徒说:“你们若常常遵守我的道,就真是我的门徒了。你们将了解真理,真理将使你们自由。”但对于那些拒绝他、硬着心反对他的法利赛人,他宣告说:“我走我的路,你们若寻求我,就必死在罪中;我去的地方,你们不能来。” 2SP 355.2

“法利赛人却采纳他的话,对那些相信的人评论说:‘我们是亚伯拉罕的后裔,从来没有受过任何人的奴役;你怎么说,你们将获得自由?”耶稣看着这些人,这些不信和恶毒的奴隶,一心想着报复,回答他们:“我实实在在地告诉你们,凡犯罪的,就是罪的奴仆。”他们处于最严重的束缚之中,被邪灵所统治。耶稣向他们宣称,如果他们是亚伯拉罕真正的子孙,并且生活在顺服上帝的生活中,他们就不会试图杀死一个讲上帝赐给他的真理的人。这并不是在做亚伯拉罕的事,他们声称亚伯拉罕是他们的父亲。 2SP 356.1

“耶稣以惊人的强调,否认犹太人效仿亚伯拉罕的榜样。他说:“你们行了你们父亲的事。”法利赛人部分理解了他的意思,他们说:“我们不是从淫乱生的,乃是从淫乱生的。”我们只有一位父亲,就是上帝。”耶稣回答他们说:“如果神是你们的父,你们就会爱我;因为我是从上帝而来的;也不是我自己来的,而是他差遣我来的。”法利赛人已经背离了上帝,拒绝承认他的儿子。如果他们的心向上帝的爱敞开,他们就会承认上帝派到世界上的救主。耶稣大胆地揭露了他们绝望的处境:—— 2SP 356.2

“‘你们是出于你们的父亲魔鬼,你们父亲的私欲你们偏要行。他从一开始就是杀人犯,并不常在真理中,因为他里面没有真理。当他说谎时,他说的是他自己的话;因为他是个骗子;和它的父亲。因为我告诉你们真相,你们却不相信我。”耶稣意识到这些人陷入了可怕的境地,他的语气充满悲伤。但他的敌人听了他的话,怒火无法抑制。尽管他威严的举止和他所说的真理的巨大分量使他们无能为力。耶稣继续将他们的立场与亚伯拉罕的立场作了鲜明的对比,他们自称是亚伯拉罕的子孙:—— 2SP 357.1

“‘你的父亲亚伯拉罕很高兴看到我的日子;他看见了,就很高兴。” 犹太人听了难以置信,冷笑着说:“你还不到五十岁,见过亚伯拉罕吗?”耶稣带着崇高的尊严回答说:“我实实在在地告诉你们,还没有亚伯拉罕,就有了我。”一时之间,所有人都陷入了沉默,他们心中都明白了这句话的伟大而可怕的意义。但法利赛人很快就从他的话的影响中恢复过来,担心这对百姓产生影响,开始制造骚乱,咒骂他是亵渎者。 ‘于是他们拿起石头要打他;耶稣却隐藏起来,出了圣殿,从他们中间穿过去了。’” 2SP 357.2

‘Ye judge after the flesh; I judge no man. And yet, if I judge, my judgment is true; for I am not alone, but I and the Father that sent me.’ Thus he declared that he was sent of God, to do his work. He had not consulted with priests nor rulers as to the course he was to pursue; for his commission was from the highest authority, even the Creator of the universe. Jesus, in his sacred office, had taught the people, had relieved suffering, had forgiven sin, and had cleansed the temple, which was his Father's house, and driven out its desecraters from its sacred portals; he had condemned the hypocritical lives of the Pharisees, and reproved their hidden sins; and in all this he had acted under the instruction of his Heavenly Father. For this reason they hated him and sought to kill him. Jesus declared to them: “Ye are from beneath; I am from above. Ye are of this world; I am not of this world.” 2SP 355.1

“‘When ye have lifted up the Son of Man, then shall ye know that I am he, and that I do nothing of myself, but as my Father hath taught me.’ ‘And he that sent me is with me; the Father hath not left me alone; for I do always those things that please him.’ These words were spoken with thrilling power, and, for the time, closed the lips of the Pharisees, and caused many of those who listened with attentive minds to unite with Jesus, believing him to be the Son [of] God. To these believing ones he said, “If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed. And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” But to the Pharisees who rejected him, and who hardened their hearts against him, he declared: “I go my way, and ye shall seek me, and shall die in your sins; whither I go, ye cannot come.” 2SP 355.2

“But the Pharisees took up his words, addressed to those who believed, and commented upon them, saying, “We be Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any man; how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free?” Jesus looked upon these men,—the slaves of unbelief and bitter malice, whose thoughts were bent upon revenge,—and answered them, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin, is the servant of sin.” They were in the worst of bondage, ruled by the spirit of evil. Jesus declared to them that if they were the true children of Abraham, and lived in obedience to God, they would not seek to kill one who was speaking the truth that was given him of God. This was not doing the works of Abraham, whom they claimed as their father. 2SP 356.1

“Jesus, with startling emphasis, denied that the Jews were following the example of Abraham. Said he, “Ye do the deeds of your father.” The Pharisees, partly comprehending his meaning, said, “We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.” But Jesus answered them: “If God were your Father, ye would love me; for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.” The Pharisees had turned from God, and refused to recognize his Son. If their minds had been open to the love of God, they would have acknowledged the Saviour who was sent to the world by him. Jesus boldly revealed their desperate condition:— 2SP 356.2

“‘Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own; for he is a liar; and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.’ These words were spoken with sorrowful pathos, as Jesus realized the terrible condition into which these men had fallen. But his enemies heard him with uncontrollable anger; although his majestic bearing, and the mighty weight of the truths he uttered, held them powerless. Jesus continued to draw the sharp contrast between their position and that of Abraham, whose children they claimed to be:— 2SP 357.1

“‘Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day; and he saw it, and was glad.’ The Jews listened incredulously to this assertion, and said, sneeringly, “Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?” Jesus, with a lofty dignity that sent a thrill of conviction through their guilty souls, answered, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.” For a moment, silence fell upon all the people, as the grand and awful import of these words dawned upon their minds. But the Pharisees, speedily recovering from the influence of his words, and fearing their effect upon the people, commenced to create an uproar, railing at him as a blasphemer. ‘Then took they up stones to cast at him; but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.’” 2SP 357.2